These 16 inch pads are typically used with larger scrubbers, like our . If you use these pads with the proper , while following our instructions, you'll have bare tiles that will be ready for a couple coats of .
These pads are 1" thick and can be used on both sides. If they become clogged or overly embedded with wax and slurry from the stripping solution, they can cease to continue stripping. At this point, you either need to flip them over, thoroughly clean them, or start fresh with 2 new pads. At the end of the stripping job, you can try and rinse out used pads to see what can be removed from the pad. Also letting them sit in water can sometimes rejuvenate them. For more sizes and options, please take a look at our complete line of .
Each pad is constructed from polyester fibers along with synthetic adhesives.